Dr Martin Wiggins
Martin Wiggins is the author of the 11-volume British Drama, 1533-1642: A Catalogue (OUP), which describes and documents every known play of the period.
Until his retirement, he was the longest-serving Fellow of The Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon. Before that, he held a Junior Research Fellowship at Keble College, Oxford, and he has also taught at the University of Reading, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London, and The Roehampton Institute.
His other books include Journeymen in Murder, Shakespeare and the Drama of His Time, and Drama and the Transfer of Power in Renaissance England. He has also edited many plays and dramatic records of the period, including Edward II and ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore for New Mermaids and the collections Four Jacobean Sex Tragedies and A Woman Killed with Kindness and Other Plays for Oxford English Drama, a series of which he is an Associate General Editor. He is also the Associate General Editor of The Philological Museum, and a member of the Council of The Malone Society.In 2006, his essay on the origins of Dido, Queen of Carthage won the Calvin and Rose G. Hoffman Prize for distinguished work on Christopher Marlowe.